Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Rewind: Crispy-Topped Brown Sugar Bars

I'm a conscientious person and love to bake, so how come I am already needing to "catch up" with baking through Baking Chez Moi?  Two weeks ago I had an unexpected illness that threw me into the hospital.  I was really sick.  The crisis is over and I'm slowly regaining energy and stamina.  When I'm not sleeping, I'm resting, and this has been frustrating since I'm ordinarily an active person.  Fortunately, my family has taken up the slack and my good friend Roberta gave me her best "mother advice":  Don't, don't overdo anything! Don't go bake any cookies or anything!! Just take it easy.

I took Roberta's advice for as long as I could, but today I did bake.  It was great to be back in the kitchen and happily, these bars are easy to make.

I heeded the advice of those who wrote in on the Tuesday Chatter and decided to bake the crust for a shorter time than Dorie suggests.  After 13 minutes, my crust was puffy and reasonably golden so I pulled it out, put on the chocolate, and back in the oven.  

I had attempted the caramelized Rice Krispies yesterday.  My energy was low and I didn't stir them quite as vigorously as I should have, and they turned out a little clumpy but good enough.
The sugar starting to burble

The verdict of my family is that these are quite tasty.  And I'm so  glad to have had enough energy to bake them--even though I'm a week late.

One happy little treat


  1. Glad to hear that you're feeling better! And really, not bake cookies? Impossible! (Your squares look delicious!)

  2. Peggy, So glad you are feeling better, and are able to get back into the kitchen! Your bars looks lovely!

  3. I am so glad to hear that you're feeling better! I'm glad that you're taking time to rest but still making cookies :-) I loved how easy these were.

  4. Oh my gosh--glad you are on the mend and able to get back into the kitchen. We liked these bars a lot...it was certainly a good recipe not to miss out on!

  5. Happy to hear you are on the mend! These were tasty, weren't they?
