Friday, October 29, 2010

Marie-Helene's Apple Cake

This week's pick for French Fridays with Dorie was a lovely apple cake, baked in a spring form pan with lots of cut up apple chunks.  We ate it up in no time!


  1. Beautiful! Love those big apple chunks!

  2. Look closely at the picture. Admire it. Imagine it in your mouth, how the apple slices are just al dente, and the brown bits are crusty and sweet. It's better than that.

  3. I kept trying to get mine to be more batter than apple chunks, but both times I made it, it was mostly apple chunks...then I realized, we love apple chunks, so what's the problem??? Not a thing, it was completely gone both times in no time at all. Yours looks so pretty and elegant on the stand like that.
