Something went awry. I switched on the mixer and immediately realized that I had not locked the bowl in place. This was obvious because the beater shoved the bowl askew and LOUD, AWFUL noises came from the mixer. My screeches added to the awful noise until I found the off button. But the damage was done, and now my mixer does not go all the way down. This means that the beater does not go all the way down into the bowl. This means that the mixer needs to be repaired. This is a problem as I am trying to bake through all of Dorie Greenspan's Baking book.
The good news is that the Cuisinart is still under warranty. The bad news is that it has to be shipped back to the company and they say it will be 4-6 weeks until it is returned!
The good news is that I have my old Sunbeam stand mixer. The bad news is that it has neither a paddle beater nor whisk attachments.
Back to the Peanuttiest Blondies. They were fairly easy to make, but I had to modify my mixing technique since the mixer was wonky. The blondies themselves came out well. Rich especially likes their chewiness. And they were nearly all consumed by our Monday night guests even though they also had Honey Wheat Cookies and Chocolate Bread Pudding available.