When I saw the title of this week's choice for the
Tuesdays with Dorie bakers I was really excited. We have been conducting weekly pizza experiments in our house--thin crusts, preheating the pizza stone to 500 degrees, lovely toppings--oh, my mouth was watering. And then I looked at it and saw that it was more quiche-like than pizza-like. I must admit to momentary disappointment.
Despite the name tease, this was really delicious. The crust rolled out like a dream, and while not flaky after all that beating, it was perfect. The filling of eggs, ricotta, and prosciutto was just right. And it was fun to do a diagonal lattice that wasn't woven but looked quite pretty.
I made this exactly according to the recipe in Baking with Julia but I can easily imagine variations: mushrooms, bacon, spinach would all be good.
We ate it warm and then had it cold the next day. They were equally yummy! My husband has mentioned about 5 times that I can make it again any time and I'm sure that I will.